Big Brother’s birthday was the catalyst to get things back on track, with Basildon’s answer to Norman Wisdom taking his rightful place in the hearts of the nation. Brian can do no wrong at the moment except when he’s attempting novelty pop songs whilst wearing percussion.
Now I know why Charley calls herself IT girl. She was a dead ringer for Pennywise the murderous clown. However I think she was acting out another Stephen King classic as she had her own Shining moment at the party when the inner monster returned to torment the housemates. Here’s Charley! Poor Brian was on the receiving end of her sledge hammer tongue as both of them ‘didn’t shout’ for at least half an hour of ranting about God knows what.
Liam was the most laid back magician I’ve ever seen. David Nixon would have been more vibrant and he’s been dead for 20 years. His glamorous assistant gave Ziggy a right Kinder Surprise. Chanelle wiggled her sequined hips and had him drooling all over the Haribo Super Mix.
If the Beeb ever bring back Play School, Carole would be an ideal choice to keep the kiddies quiet while Mum chat’s up the postman. Come to think of it. The way she handled the balloons and body paint suggests she’d make a damn good party hostess for Ann Summers too ;-)
I think she’s a good judge of character too. Giving Nicky a snake face was either subconscious wisdom or just her having a bloody good laugh.
The whole country squirmed with Ziggy as Nicky attempted her stand up comedy routine. It was like Maggie Thatcher topping the bill at a Miners Social Club.
The Chiggys auditioned for their very own shower gel advert. Well I think they were cleaning each other! Once again they were interrupted by Sam who seems to make a habit of walking into rooms and making the most inane comments at really inappropriate moments.
A nervous Nicky was ejected to the biggest boos this year, so far. Her exit was as awkward as her behaviour had been for most of the last 7 weeks. I always got the impression that Nicky never actually meant to come into the house. The whole experience for her was like she’d been picked for the hockey team when she really wanted to be home watching Deal or No Deal with her Nan.
Ziggy is still indecisive about his romance with Chanelle and he also changes his mind about staying in the house more times than Charley changes her hot pants. After yet another tedious row with the mouth of the south, he was begging Big Brother to let him go. We all knew that after a night under the duvet with his Wakefield comfort blanket he’d decide to give it another go ;-)
This week’s intellectual incident occurred during the debating task. When Chanelle was quizzed about the meaning of happiness, the wistful WAGabe asked ‘Is this what philosophy is? Deep stuff?’ William James couldn’t have put it any better.
BBTV went on air this week for the shopping task. Let’s hope they don’t fill the schedule with The Charley Show! I’m not being funny and I’m only being honest and I’m not lying but that would be worse than being tied to a chair and forced to watch repeats of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum on UKTV Gold.
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