So would the house become Chez Cheerful now that Nicky has gone? Like hell it would. As relationships and relations went into meltdown, the moments of light relief seemed even more bizarre.
When Liam asked the twins to name 4 types of tree, the best they could come up with was – a tree with pink leaves, a tree with red leaves and an elf tree. Keen to join in the game, Chanelle proved that a high IQ doesn’t mean you’re all that bright as she opted for a Christmas tree.
Worse was to come when he asked them to name 2 types of bike. After some consideration Amanda suggested a fast bike and a slow bike. Where do they find these people?
Is Rihanna 17 or 19? Harmless enough question you’d think. Not for this lot. I’m sure nobody was really bothered but that was the spark that lit the touch paper for another slanging match between Charley and Chanelle. Most of the mud was incomprehensible but kudos to Chanelle for – ‘I wanted to be a WAG until I came in here and saw the state of one’.
Ziggy said that Molly was the first dog to ever enter the BB house but I’d dispute that claim ;-) The poor little mutt (Molly not Ziggy) was a bit bewildered when her master appeared in the garden all decked out in tweed and wellies. After an embarrassing pause the Bonio finally dropped and Molly leapt into Ziggy’s arms. He seems to have that affect on short haired females. It was a great task and another BB tear jerker as Ziggy struggled to hold back the flow when the task was over and he was separated again from Molls. I have to admit to needing a couple of Kleenex myself during the ad break. I’m a sucker for a hairy friend with a curly tail.
Carole singing Stairway to Heaven reminded me that actually Britain hasn’t got that much talent. This was more like XXL Factor. It must have taken all of judge Tracey’s willpower not to describe Carole’s act as phat.
After the finest strop of the year, Chanelle surprised everyone with a passable Vivaldi on a dodgy violin to win the BBTV Talent Show crown. She may have an ear for music but how the hell did she manage to confuse Ziggy’s fart with a caravan door shutting in the rain? She must be used to hearing Wakefield wind with all those faggots and peas being consumed up there.
Despite Chanelle’s gaff, they passed the sound task. Their prize was personalised bog roll and Gerry got quite flushed at the thought of borrowing a couple of sheets from Liam’s roll.
Charley’s luck finally ran out and she left the house for good, dressed as Wilma Flintstone. The crowd were ruthless this time but her delusions carried her through what she believed was as a wonderful reception. And no……she wasn’t being funny!
Davina looked gorgeous as usual. Like a trolley dolly for Mistress Airways, she welcomed the new half housemates to their accommodation for the weekend.
Amy and Shanessa’s clothes seemed to fall off as they approached the house. Someone should have loaned Shanessa a jacket to cover her fleshy bumps. Whatever happened to chivalry? Thank the Lord for tit tape!
I’m pleased that Chanelle finally saw through Ziggy but gutted that she left the house to ease his depression. She should have stayed and made life hell for him. Everyone was grief stricken at Chanelle’s departure apart from Carole who just smirked in the kitchen. Perhaps she was thinking of moving into Ziggy’s bed! Sorry Carole but your Toy Boy’s been moved next door with the Halfways to await his fate.
In the meantime we get David & Kara. A witch in a black skirt and a snooty student with a cleaning obsession. It’s like Charley and Nicky never left!
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