It was a sad house after Seány departed with his pink daisy and bike padlocks. Only a knobbly knees contest and the fact that they were lucky to get a Charley-free weekend cheered them all up.
Charley and Brian were packed off to the Big Brother caravan where the South London charmer swore and whinged for 2 days while Brian just lay around doing embarrassing teenage boy things. His sleeping bag was alive with farts and fidgeting but the bed wetting incident was the final straw for Charley and the holiday came to an abrupt and soggy end.
Even in a week with luxury food budget Nicky managed to throw a wobbly over a few meatballs. I think she’s got meat on the brain right now but I’m not sure that painting her eyes with liquid paper is impressing Liam. She did get up close and personal with him to discuss their bodies but that backfired too as he discovered she has more chest hair than him.
True romance, or not. I like the Chiggys. I’m sure it won’t last beyond their Heat magazine cover but it’s nice to see people down each others throats instead of at them.
The sleeping task was a disaster of Battlefield Earth proportions. Charley surrendered "because otherwise I'll be downright rude." I’m not being funny but what’s her excuse when she’s not tired.
As they got more and more sleepy on the bean bags the fighting escalated and despite everyone apart from Nicky being keen to give it a go, it soon became clear that none of them are insomniacs.
It’s ironic that they can all stay up until the crack of dawn most nights without a single prompt from Big Brother but give them a formal task like this and they’re dropping off like drunks on the last train home.
Charley was up for nomination and then she wasn’t. Thanks to her punishment she avoided the public vote but still managed to shout and scream at anyone who looked at her the wrong way for the next 24 hours. I’m not being funny, but it isn’t any longer.
How uncomfortable did Billi look when he was forced into that Happy cupboard with Charley. There was more love at the recent East 17 reunion!
Amanda’s pie and a couple of colanders confirmed that the twins are indeed psychopathic. Oh my God I always knew there was something strange about that pink pair. They’re like The Stepford Airheads only they do real, full on dumps!
Talking of pink. I reckon BB ought to have a word with Carole. She was trying to cover her modesty today with her blue towel over that stripy swimming costume. Someone could have told her it didn’t reach all the way round the back. Put me right off my Bar-B-Q chicken wings it did.
A bemused Billi left the house, waved off by a tearful Charley wearing a gold tea towel. Her newly formed axis of evil had lasted less than a day and it was time to repair the damage. Everyone had heard the jeering crowd.
Within minutes she was slagging him off to anyone who’d listen and slunk off to the Diary Room to lick her wounds. My patio doors are less transparent but then I’m allergic to chamois and Windolene makes me sneeze