OK so I probably didn't have to remind you of that fact LOL
There's been many a thing I have wanted to write in here over recent weeks but to be honest I'm not sure it would have done me any good and would probably have bored you all rigid.
Instead I just wanna say a huge thank you to some great buddies who have given me loads of support and encouragement through what was a bit of a black time for me. Most of them don't read this rubbish but I feel better for having written that.
There is one person out there who does not know what a huge impact they have had on me and I will always be grateful for their friendship and their ability to make me laugh out loud when I have been down.
For the first time in ages I am feeling strong again and the fact that I seem to have stumbled upon a kindred spirit who happens to be sex on legs all bodes well for 2005.
OK serious bit over and just to let you know that I have stored up a few typical Steps stories for you in the New Year :-) Just because I stopped Blogging didn't make me any less accident prone or prevent me getting into sticky situations.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year
The BADOING! is back lol Long live the BADOING!
Looks like you pulled a Christmas cracker :D :D :D
Can we say "tara" to Mr Melancholy now? ;)
Glad you're feeling better and that there's someone out there helping you to feel that way. It's good for the equilibrium, among other things ;)
Have a great New Year. :D
Love and stuff
Moonlit :D
Thanks xx
Gawd I'm such a sap PMSL :-)
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