Woke up today in the right place. Not as strange as it might sound. I have been prone to falling asleep on the sofa recently and waking up with a crooked neck more trashed specs. So actually sleeping in my bed was a bit of a novelty.
So that was a good start and not even the dollop of dog sick in the hall was gonna dampen my mood.
Things started to go a bit skew-wiff around 11 when I was getting concerned that the Cable Guy hadn't appeared yet. I was having a box swap today and the 8-12 slot was getting narrower by the minute. I waited 20 more minutes and decided to check that he was on his way. I was dying for a poo and a shower and knew full well that the moment I sat on the bog and dropped one the doorbell would ring. A very nice lady called Helen told me that the system said my appointment was 1-6pm!!!!!!! I checked my email and it deffo said 8-12 but remained calm - nothing was gonna spoil my good mood.
Meetings and phone calls next and before you know it -it's 1.15 and I've de-poo'd but still not showered. Best wait for the Cable Guy I thought.
Around 3 he turns up. Cheerful looking guy with his pants hanging round his thighs and some grey Next undies on full display. He asks me 'What you having done mate?' Now call me old fashioned but I was kinda expecting that he would KNOW what he was here for. I explained that I was expecting to have one of the new model Digital Boxes installed. He says 'I thought that's what you were gonna say'. Scratched his head and said 'That's a problem then cos I don't have any'????????????
I'm still calm.
He says he'll get his boss to get him the box and he'll be back shortly. In the meantime he would go off and do another job. Gave me his mobile number - nice touch - maybe he fancied me I thought later.
17.55 - and still no sign and I'm minging. It's really hot and humid here and I'm definitely not cool any more. No answer from his mobile and can't get through to Service Centre.
Stuff it I thought and decided he weren't coming and made and ate dinner. called my mate and said would be round to watch BB and have a few drinks.
19.01 - doorbell goes. It's him. Full of apologies. In he swaggers and swaps the boxes. Everything going fine and he's chatting away about Big Brother and X-Box. Box doesn't work. Fiddles for an hour and still no joy. Told him I had to go out so he put my old box back and told me his Supervisor would be around in a couple of minutes to pick up the box. Off he goes pulling up his pants.
I get's back inside and find that I've lost ALL my channels - starting to hyperventilate now.
Supervisor arrives and fiddles for another half hour - HOORAY he's got nice new box working.
Before he left I looked in my bedroom and guess what - no signal on my 2nd box now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was unconsciously muttering F words now. 20 minutes of him on the phone looking flushed as I stomped about and he finally manages to get it working.
He slopes of saying how sorry he is for all the inconvenience and I'm just grunting and directing him to the door.
I slam the front door, storm into the lounge with steam coming out my ears and stand on the dog!
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