I'm really hungover today. I'll blog about the events that led to my malaise tomorrow when I'm feeling a bit more human.
Just wanted to blog a quickie today regrarding the strangest conference call in history.
I had a conference call booked yesterday morning to discuss some training requirements. There was me and 4 colleagues attending. After I did the introduction my face drained as I suddenly realised that it was me and the only 4 people I know in the company with speech impediments..........all on the same call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I spent the next hour desperately trying NOT to finish their sentences as they stammered and stuttered their way through the call. After half an hour I had completely lost the plot and had no idea what we were talking about. As I supressed the giggles, I was trying my best to record the minutes of the meeting and on three occasions I found my writing was stuttering with them.
We got through it but even today I can't make head nor tail of what I've written.
Don't get me wrong - I think they are really brave and admirable. It was just a very bizarre experience.
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